AGI in 2025?
Wait. I should explain. When I mention AGI, I don't mean Adjusted Gross Income as defined by the Internal Revenue Service or your friendly accountant. I mean Artificial General Intelligence.
Sam Altman, founder of OpenAI, recently indicated he was excited about Artificial General Intelligence in 2025. Wait, it's 2024 now. Seriously, could it be happening that fast? I thought we had more time.
For quite some time, I've been following the work of Dr. Alan Thompson. His conservative estimate is that we're at 83% of the way to AGI (as of October 2024).
It could be in 2025 or several years later. Either way, the rise of AI — and AGI in particular — will change the world in ways that are hard to imagine.
As a thought experiment, try to imagine...
What it might have been like to have a light bulb in your home or office before 1879?
What would it be like to listen to a radio broadcast in your home in 1920 for the first time?
What it would be like to watch a TV before it was invented in 1927?
What would using a cell phone be like before the first cellphone call in 1973?
It is hard to imagine what's possible when we can't even conceive what that might look like. Welcome to the future. It's here.
For more to explore...
Or, book a call with me (a real live human, for now).