AGI in 2025?
Wait. I should explain. When I mention AGI, I don't mean Adjusted Gross Income as defined by the Internal Revenue Service or your friendly accountant. I mean Artificial General Intelligence.
Sam Altman, founder of OpenAI, recently indicated he was excited about Artificial General Intelligence in 2025. Wait, it's 2024 now. Seriously, could it be happening that fast? I thought we had more time.
For quite some time, I've been following the work of Dr. Alan Thompson. His conservative estimate is that we're at 83% of the way to AGI (as of October 2024).
It could be in 2025 or several years later. Either way, the rise of AI — and AGI in particular — will change the world in ways that are hard to imagine.
As a thought experiment, try to imagine...
What it might have been like to have a light bulb in your home or office before 1879?
What would it be like to listen to a radio broadcast in your home in 1920 for the first time?
What it would be like to watch a TV before it was invented in 1927?
What would using a cell phone be like before the first cellphone call in 1973?
It is hard to imagine what's possible when we can't even conceive what that might look like. Welcome to the future. It's here.
For more to explore...
Or, book a call with me (a real live human, for now).
The AI Tsunami in Healthcare — Wake Up!
The healthcare industry stands at a pivotal moment, facing what I believe could be called an "AI Tsunami" - a transformation that will dwarf the impact of the 1990s internet revolution. This isn't hyperbole; it's a reality that's unfolding before our eyes.
The Scale of Change
“By the end of the decade there will be two kinds of companies: (1) Those who fully utilize AI; and, (2) Those who are Out of Business.”
Peter Diamandis captured this perfectly when he said this quote. While this statement may seem alarming, it is the wake-up call you need.
Why This Time Is Different
The integration of AI into healthcare isn't just another technological upgrade - it's a fundamental reimagining of how we:
Deliver Care
Tasks that once consumed entire workdays can now be completed in hours
Clinical decision support is becoming increasingly sophisticated
Patient interactions will be revolutionized through AI-powered tools
Manage Operations
Administrative burdens are being dramatically reduced
Resource allocation is becoming more precise
Predictive analytics will transform preventive care and treatment protocols
The Reality Gap
Here's what's concerning: The speed of AI advancement far outpaces our industry's ability to adapt. Many healthcare organizations are still approaching AI as if they have years to figure it out. They don't. The future has arrived.
The Path Forward
The good news? This transformation, while inevitable, doesn't have to be overwhelming. The key lies in approaching AI adoption through a lens of:
Seeing possibilities rather than obstacles
Embracing change as an opportunity for improvement
Focusing on enhanced patient outcomes
Continuously exploring new applications
Learning from early adopters
Staying informed about emerging technologies
Strategic Implementation
Starting with clear objectives
Building on small successes
Maintaining focus on practical applications
Taking Action Now
The healthcare organizations that will thrive in this new era aren't necessarily those with the biggest budgets or the most advanced current technology. They're the ones with exceptional leaders who recognize the urgency of adaptation and take decisive action now.
Looking Ahead
As we navigate this transformation, the question isn't whether AI will reshape healthcare - it's how well-prepared we'll be as it does. Lean or get left behind.
Those who wait for perfect clarity before acting will be on the struggle bus — trying to catch up in an industry that's moving forward daily.
A Call to Action
The time for passive observation is over. Whether you're a healthcare executive, practitioner, or administrator, your role in this transformation is crucial. The future of healthcare is being written right now, and AI is holding the pen.
The question isn't whether you'll participate in this transformation but how proactively you'll shape it.
Are you ready to be part of this revolution? If you'd like to discuss things, we should jump on a phone or Zoom call.
Draconem Dawn
New Orleans, Louisiana - Focused Media Solutions is proud to announce the release of "Draconem Dawn," the debut novel by author Maxsimo Salazar. This gripping science fiction thriller takes readers on a journey through a world where ancient dinosaurs have evolved into a highly advanced civilization, hidden from humanity for millennia.
"Draconem Dawn" follows the story of Kiira Ave, as she navigates a complex political landscape, and her race faces the imminent threat of discovery by humans. With themes of power, loyalty, and the consequences of technological advancement, this novel is a thought-provoking and entertaining read for science fiction fans and beyond.
"We are thrilled to bring Maxsimo Salazar's creative work to readers around the world," said Gregory Barton, founder of Focused Media Solutions. "His unique blend of scientific knowledge and storytelling prowess has created a captivating narrative that will keep readers on the edge of their seats."
Maxsimo Salazar, a retired Naval meteorologist, physical oceanographer, and hydrographer, brings his expertise in earth sciences to the world of "Draconem Dawn," creating a rich and believable universe that will captivate readers from start to finish.
About Focused Media Solutions
Focused Media Solutions is on a mission to bring literary works to readers around the world. The company was founded on the belief that every story deserves to be told and that books have the power to inspire, educate, and entertain.
"Draconem Dawn" is now available on Amazon in both Kindle and paperback formats.
For media inquiries, review copies, or to arrange an interview with the author, please contact:
Gregory Barton
Focused Media Solutions
Phone Number: (985) 774-5500
Navigating the Negativity Zone
Have you ever had the experience of working with someone who's slipped into the "negativity zone?" With the challenges of the modern workplace, it is easy for someone to slip into a "negativity zone" - a mindset ruled by pessimism, fault-finding, and criticism. For some people, it's all bad news. Nothing will please them. They can find fault in anything. The sky is always falling. If there's no real crisis, they'll manufacture one. It could help them feel better about themselves. They need constant attention and will do anything to get it. Occasionally, I run across people struggling with this, and it causes me to pause, think carefully, and consider how I might best support them. This negativity zone is a trap. When someone is in the negativity zone, they aren't in the right mindset to do great work.
“Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain—and most fools do. But it takes character and self-control to understand and forgive.”
When facing challenges, it's understandable how some may adopt pessimistic thinking patterns. It's not the person; it's their mindset and behavior. These behaviors can affect everyone in the organization. It causes tension, reduces communication, decreases teamwork, and causes damage that lies beneath the surface. The negativity zone is a massive waste of time and energy.
The good news is that anyone in this zone can find their way out with improved self-awareness. Awareness is key. Get out of that zone quickly and into a better mindset. Focus on the positive. Focus on the things you can do to help the organization improve. Focus on what you can influence and control positively. A little optimism is an excellent thing. Gratitude is worth its weight in gold. And curiosity is always a plus.
One of the most important things I've learned from working with my clients is that everyone can do something to improve the organization. Improving the organization is a much better use of one's time. That is how organizations transform from being dysfunctional to being a high-performance organization. With support and understanding, we can all help make this happen.
Two things are required, though: (1) they have to want to, and (2) they must be willing. Unfortunately, not everyone has the desire and willingness. This simple framework helps identify those in alignment with a positive future.
What will you focus on today? How will you help others who may be struggling?
Yours in sincere optimism, gratitude, and curiosity.
PS. Let's do great things together! Feel free to reach out if I can help your organization. You may also be interested in checking out my book, "Awaken Optimism: 366 Meditations for Making Each Day Amazing"
Choose Action Over Complaints - A Positive Approach to Solving Life's Challenges
Have you ever taken a good, long look in the mirror and asked yourself, "Am I a problem solver or a complainer?"
It's a question worth asking because the answer can shape the trajectory of your life in remarkable ways.
As we journey through life, we'll inevitably encounter both smooth paths and bumpy roads. Challenges will spring up, just like sunflowers after a spring shower. It's in our response to these obstacles where our character is truly revealed. Do we rise to the occasion, ready to tackle problems head-on? Or do we shrink back, pointing fingers and complaining about everything that's wrong?
Problem solvers embrace life's challenges with an optimism that is contagious. They view these hurdles not as impediments, but as opportunities for growth, catalysts for innovation. Their motto is simple: "If there's a problem, I can fix it!" They're the ones who roll up their sleeves and dig into the messy, beautiful process of finding solutions. In the words of Theodore Roosevelt, "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
"Now, let's consider the complainer, the naysayer who paints the world in shades of gloom. They're quick to point out problems but slower to step forward with solutions. The air around them often feels heavy, doesn't it? Their negativity can suck the joy out of any room, leaving those around them drained and disheartened.
But here's the game-changer: You get to decide which character you play in the grand narrative of your life. Would you rather be a beacon of hope, an action-taker? Or would you rather be a perpetual complainer, a storm cloud in human form?
Imagine how much we can achieve if we choose to be problem solvers, to be agents of positivity. Consider the lives we can touch, the changes we can make, and the personal growth we can experience! Isn't that a thrilling thought?
It's time to make a choice. It's time to shrug off the complainer's cloak and put on the problem solver's hat. Embrace the challenges that come your way and see them as chances to learn, grow, and innovate. Channel your energy into taking action rather than pointing fingers.
Remember, we all have the potential to be problem solvers. It's not a trait reserved for the geniuses among us, but for anyone willing to try, to take action, to persevere.
Let's face the world with courage, a grin, and a can-do attitude. Let's be the kind of people who bring solutions, not complaints. And trust me, your life will never be the same again. Because the greatest secret of a fulfilling life is this: we grow when we choose action over complaint, solution over problem, and positivity over negativity.
So, what's your choice? Will you be a problem solver or a complainer? The decision is yours, and the world is waiting for your answer.
Harnessing the Power of Technological Change: Embrace AI Today
Change is the only constant in this universe. This saying holds particularly true when we talk about technology. With a speed of advancement that is nothing short of breathtaking, technology continues to redefine the contours of our lives and societies. Among these ever-evolving technologies, one that stands out for its transformative potential is Artificial Intelligence (AI).
The key to staying ahead in this technologically driven world is simple: embrace it. Jumping into the digital bandwagon isn't merely a choice, but a necessity. People who proactively seek to understand and implement new technologies, such as AI, stand to gain significantly over those who don't. This advantage transcends all areas, be it personal growth, career progression, or entrepreneurial endeavors.
However, does embracing technology scare you? Does the idea of AI seem daunting? If so, you're not alone. It's natural to fear the unknown, to resist change. But let me ask you this: Do you want to be left behind in this digital revolution? If not, it's time to break free from that mindset of resistance and start embracing the new.
Let me share with you the top three things you can do to learn about AI, a pivotal technology that's reshaping our world:
**1. Read Widely:** The first step towards understanding AI is to read extensively. There's a wealth of resources available online, including articles, blogs, and e-books. These resources range from beginner-friendly content to more advanced and technical insights. Remember, knowledge is power, so soak it all in!
**2. Take Online Courses:** In today's world, learning has never been easier. Numerous online platforms offer comprehensive courses on AI that cater to various levels of understanding. So, why not sign up for one? It's time to turn that interest into expertise!
**3. Join AI Communities:** Engaging with like-minded individuals can boost your learning journey. AI communities and forums provide a platform to share ideas, ask questions, and get support. Not only will you learn, but you might also make some friends along the way.
Technology waits for no one. AI, like any technology, is just a tool. It's neither inherently good nor bad, but how we use it can make all the difference. You've got the potential to use AI as a lever to uplift your life and the lives around you.
So, will you shy away from the potential that AI holds or seize it? Will you let fear of change hold you back or will you embrace the growth that it promises? Remember, the world belongs to the brave, the adventurous, the seekers. Be one of them. Leap into the future today. Embrace AI. Stay ahead. Stay empowered.
Oh, and drop me a line to let me know if you liked this post or if you have any comments. Thank you! :)
Who Will You Be?
Who will you be when the weather is rough and you have to navigate through a storm? What can you do to prepare to be that person now while the weather is calm?
Make Commitments, Not Resolutions
Do you make new year’s resolutions? Often, they’re broken within the first week or two.
Why not make commitments instead? What will you commit to in 2023?
The Beliefs Matrix
Remember the movie the Matrix? Remember how cool of an idea it was at the time? That everything we thought we knew was wrong and that we were living in the matrix.
What if we created our own matrix? A matrix of beliefs. Beliefs we choose not based on our experience. But beliefs based on what will energize us to commit to doing the focused work necessary to achieve our dreams?
What if it isn't hard at all? What if it is easier to do than most people think it is? What if we change our thoughts that ultimately lead to better results? What if we used the idea to move forward with a progression like the following:
We could.
We should.
We will.
We did.
Luckily, it worked unbelievably well for us, and now we're so grateful.
Do you think it's possible? What will you do about it? What belief will you change? What might be possible when you create your own beliefs matrix?
You Need Glasses
“When we begin to view our experiences through the lens of gratitude, our heart, mind and spirit naturally expand.”
— David Brown Jr.
Can you really choose the lens you choose to experience life through? What if you have a pair of glasses with the lens of gratitude on one side and the lens of optimism on the other? How profoundly different would the world look? How can you give this gift to others?
The Power of Language
Recently, I've been thinking about the power of words and how they affect those who hear them. Our chosen terms may be audible and go out into the outside world, or they may be internal words in the form of thought. Many things we think and say are our default. They come from years of conditioning, our experiences, and how we perceive our environment.
What words have you been using recently? How are they serving you? What will you do about it?
Technical Competence
In an increasingly digital world, it pays to be technically competent. Today, automation, machine learning, and Artificial intelligence help deliver our Amazon packages and serve up content that will be to our liking on the web.
Even with all the advancements, many people still have trouble understanding the basics of operating a computer. As I mean here, the basics include items like knowing how to create a new folder, how to rename a file, and how to move files or folders to some other place. If you can't do the basics, you probably cannot do the advanced things either. What then do you think then is preventing your job from being replaced by automation?
Treat People Right
Treat others as you want to be treated. It is a fairly simple idea. This idea is the essence of the Golden Rule. It's also worth noting that people may not remember what you say, but they will remember (and not forget) how you made them feel.
Today is the first day that Juneteenth is a national holiday in the United States. Its purpose is to commemorate the emancipation of enslaved people in the United States. This is a new national holiday that was first celebrated in Texas in 1865 after the civil war.
Improved awareness of our history is essential as we remember our past and learn critical lessons to our democracy's future. We have a great nation. Let's celebrate that fact while as we continue our work toward improving our country. Let freedom ring.
Not Perfect, Still Trying
I'm far from perfect, but I try. That's probably the wrong approach.
Without a doubt, I have some perfectionist tendencies. But, since perfection isn't possible, am I setting myself up for failure with this impossible standard to achieve?
I'm always trying to figure out what I need to do to improve. That will most likely continue. But in the meantime, I accept that I am imperfect and always working on making myself the best version of myself that I can be.
7 Easy Questions to Improve Your Mindset
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If you think about it, your mindset is like an operating system for your brain.
Here are a few thought-provoking questions.
Are you optimistic or pessimistic? Are you mentally strong, or do you succumb to weakness? Do you have the persistence to push through, even when things are challenging? Are you resilient enough to snap back after a setback? Are you always right, or are you able to recognize when you might be wrong and strong enough to apologize when needed? Are you a complainer? Are you an expert at identifying problems, or are you sufficiently proactive in finding solutions?
Almost anything is possible iff we have the right mindset.
What is your present mindset?
How is it serving you?
Do you believe you can grow and change with time and effort?
What shift might be required for you to improve the things that are not working well for you?
Are you the type of person who talks, or the type of person who acts intentionally to bring about a better future?
Are you crystal clear about who you will be in the future?
What are you going to do about it?
A Thank You Note to All Who Serve
Happy Armed Forces Day 2021
Today, I am taking an intentional pause to express gratitude and pay tribute to the women and men in the armed forces. May is military appreciation month, and today, May 15, 2021, is Armed Forces Day. It is celebrated each year on the 3rd Saturday of May.
“On Armed Forces Day, we offer our most profound gratitude to the patriots — at home and abroad — who have risked their lives so our people can live knowing the fullest measure of freedom and security.”
--President Barack Obama, 2016 proclamation of Armed Forces Day
I’ve been thinking recently about the concept of service to our nation and what a great honor it was to have been able to lead our troops and fight alongside America’s finest young women and men.
I have also been thinking quite a bit about commitment. For those who are serving (or who have served), there is a particular understanding of the word commitment. The long hours. The unknown. The dangerous places. The sleep deprivation. The chain of command. The oath. Leaving our families for extended periods. The idea that you -- that we -- made a conscious decision to go in harm’s way despite the risks. We are the type of people who do it anyway.
For all those who are serving or have served, we know that freedom isn’t free. You stepped up. You answered the call. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Time for a change?
I've been thinking a lot about time recently. I am excited to be working on a project with a friend of mine and help him bring one of his visions into the world. I can't talk a lot about that now, but it has me thinking about the concept of time.
I took this picture this morning. It is a relic from the past. I remember when these things were on pretty much every street corner. They did not go away overnight, but we began to see them fading away slowly but steadily as cellphones and mobile technology became more widespread.
Change happens. There is no doubt about it. How we view the change really matters. We can either embrace it with a sense of optimism or reject it and wish that it wasn't happening. In my experience, wishing that change is not happening does not work out well because change will occur whether we like it or not. The only real question is whether we have a positive attitude about it and decide to embrace it rather than resist it.
So this has me thinking… Why do we as humans resist change so much? Why do some people embrace it more, while others reject it vehemently and do everything they can to prevent it from happening in the first place…? It is a mystery.
Time passes. Change happens. What will you do about it?
Reflections on Last Day in the Year of the Pandemic
First, huge shout-outs are in order for our healthcare workers!
Our healthcare workers have been instrumental during the pandemic. This year has been like none before it for the healthcare community. Our providers are indeed heroes and deserve recognition, support, and encouragement.
We had a terrible surge after Thanksgiving and the experts are expecting one after Christmas as well. The good news of course is that the vaccines are in the process of being administered and should make 2021 a lot brighter of a year. Unfortunately, that doesn’t help all the all the people we’ve lost from this virus.
Our healthcare professionals have sacrificed their own personal safety to help others. They were there for us. Please, thank a healthcare worker today. We appreciate you!
Also, I’m quite excited to publicly announce that my first book got completed in this crazy year. It was most certainly not easy. There were challenges at every stage. Creating this book was a really exciting process and it helped me find a good use for what would otherwise be “nervous energy” amidst all the pandemic news. Creating it helped me and I believe using it will help as well. I am incredibly proud to have created something with the intent of helping others.
One belief that I’ve had for years is that actions are better than words. I’m proud to offer 10% of all author royalties as a donation to those on a mission to improve the world, including, where 100% of donations go to support clean drinking water projects in a world where far too many people live without clean drinking water.
“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals” according to Zig Ziglar. I agree completely.
It isn’t perfect, but I am ready to share it with you. I hope you find value in it.
How optimistic are you about 2021?
Without a doubt, this year has been challenging. There have been so many people worldwide affected by the pandemic. It is way too easy to notice all the bad news and ignore the good things around us every day. You can find the positive in almost any situation if you try.
The founding fathers of our country were not strangers to difficult times. As I was thinking about this and reflecting on the pandemic, I came across this brief wisdom.
“Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.”
— Thomas Jefferson
Taking effective action was favored centuries ago. It is just as important today. Knowledge is good, but action yields results. Without action, you are stuck.
I’m quite optimistic about 2021. There will be challenges, but I believe there’s tremendous reason to look towards the future and plan your future. What will you do to make next year your best year ever?
I believe in optimism. It has made an incredible difference in my life. It is so important to me that I decided to write a book about it. I’m planning to release it later this month. I hope you might find value in it as well.
Check out Awaken Optimism if you’d like to learn more.
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