Establishing new habits

Ask anyone.  They will tell you how hard it is to break an old habit.  We know what we shouldn’t be doing.  It doesn’t serve us.  It is illogical.  It doesn’t make sense.  Others tell us.  We tell ourselves.  We know it inside our heads to be true.  But the new habit persists anyway despite the strategies we try to overcome them. 

What if we decide to change our focus?  What if we focus on establishing a new habit?  One the makes more sense.  One that is pretty simple and easy.  One that requires less time and energy, but moves is in a slightly more positive direction.  Just one baby step at a time can be a giant leap in our  trajectory.  

Show up.  Do it daily.  Focus on the new.  Do it for 100 days.  Maybe the old habit will just die out because we’re a little busier, have a little more headspace, and have a little more positive energy to contribute our best work.  A little inspiration can go a long way and we might find that our focus on breaking the old habits was the wrong thing altogether. 


Once upon a rumination


We have met the enemy